Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris
is Professor of International Relations and Chair of the Department of International and European Studies at the University of Piraeus and Vice President of Greece’s National Documentation Center. He is also Director of the MSc Program in American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics and a member of the Board of Directors of “Study in Greece.”
Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris (www.atziampiris.com)

Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris is Professor of International Relations and Chair of the Department of International and European Studies at the University of Piraeus and Vice President of Greece’s National Documentation Center. He is also Director of the MSc Program in American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics (taught in English in cooperation with New York University’s Center on Global Affairs), a member of the Board of Directors of the Council for International Relations-Greece (CFIR-GR) and a member of the Board of Directors of “Study in Greece.” Dr Tziampiris is Standing Fellow at New York University's Remarque Institute, an Academic Advisor to the Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC), a member of the Executive Academic Board of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), a member of the academic committee of the Eastern-Mediterranean Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Research and Teaching of European Studies, a founding member of the Israeli-Hellenic Forum, Honorary Supporter of the Benaki Museum and co-recipient of its 2019 “Angelos Delivorrias prize for the largest donation in kind”, member of the Propeller Club (Port of Piraeus) and “Champion” of Women Act (Greece).
Dr. Tziampiris is the author of Religious Faith and International Relations [Θρησκευτική Πίστη και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις: Μαθήματα από τον Καρδινάλιο Ρισελιέ και την Πρώιμη Νεώτερη Ευρώπη] , (Papadopoulos, 2023) [in Greek]; The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023); The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation (Springer, 2015); Faith and Reason of State: Lessons from Early Modern Europe and Cardinal Richelieu (Nova Science, 2009); Kosovo’s Endgame: Sovereignty and Stability in the Western Balkans (IAA, 2006); International Relations and the Macedonian Question (ELIAMEP, 2003) [in Greek]; Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian Question (Ashgate Press, 2000; reissued by Routledge in 2018); co-editor (with Foteini Asderaki) The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed: Emerging Issues and New Actors (Springer, 2021); co-editor (with Spyridon Litsas) The New Eastern Mediterranean: Theory Politics and States in a Volatile Era (Springer, 2019), co-editor (with Spyridon Litsas) Foreign Policy Under Austerity: Greece's Return To Normality? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), and co-editor (with Spyridon Litsas) The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power (Ashgate Press, 2015).
He has published a series of essays primarily on Greek history and international relations in South Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. His op-ed pieces have appeared in various publications and websites, including The New York Times, The Jerusalem Post, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times and the National Interest. He has also been interviewed in numerous media outlets.
Dr. Tziampiris was Chair of the Department of International and European Studies (2015-2020), Director of the Department’s MSc Program in Energy: Strategy Law and Economics (2017-2021-taught in English) and President of the Council for International Relations-Greece (CFIR-GR 2020-2024). He was Visiting [Non-Resident] Scholar at the Center on Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California (2021-2023), Visiting [Non-Resident] Fellow at the University of Southern California (2016-2017), Onassis Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago (August-September 2016), Visiting Fellow at New York University's The Remarque Institute (2013-2014), Visiting Scholar at Columbia University's The Harriman Institute (2009), the Academic Coordinator for the Erasmus+ "Eastern Mediterranean Regional Training Partnership" Program (2016-2019), Examiner for the course International Relations and Politics for the entrance examinations of the Hellenic Diplomatic Academy (2017-2019), Director of the Centre of International and European Affairs at the University of Piraeus (2012-2013), participant in the US State Department International Visiting Leadership Program (2009), a member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Defence Analyses (IAA-Athens, 2004-2009) and IAA's Board of Directors (September 2005-June 2006), as well as former Research Associate at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP-Athens, 2000-2008).
Dr. Tziampiris holds a PhD in Government and an MSc (econ) degree in European Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a graduate of Middlebury College (BA in Political Science). He is married with two children.

Σύντομο Βιογραφικό Δρ. Αριστοτέλη Τζιαμπίρη (atziampiris@gmail.com)

Ο Δρ. Αριστοτέλης Τζιαμπίρης είναι Καθηγητής Διεθνών Σχέσεων και Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος Διεθνών και Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών (ΔΕΣ) του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς καθώς και Αντιπρόεδρος του Εθνικού Κέντρου Τεκμηρίωσης (ΕΚΤ). Είναι επίσης Διευθυντής του αγγλόφωνου Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών MSc in American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics (που προσφέρει το ΔΕΣ σε συνεργασία με το New York University-NYU), μέλος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του Συμβουλίου Διεθνών Σχέσεων (CFIR-GR), Ακαδημαϊκός Σύμβουλος του Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC), μέλος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του μη-κερδοσκοπικού οργανισμού «Study in Greece», Visiting [non-resident] Scholar στο Center on Public Diplomacy του University of Southern California (USC) και Standing Fellow στο The Remarque Institute του New York University. Είναι μέλος στο Εκτελεστικό Ακαδημαϊκό Συμβούλιο του European Security and Defence College (ESDC), μέλος της ακαδημαϊκής επιτροπής του Κέντρου Αριστείας στην Έρευνα και Διδασκαλία Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου Jean Monnet, ιδρυτικό μέλος του Ισραηλοελληνικού Φόρουμ, Επίτιμος Υποστηρικτής του Μουσείου Μπενάκη και συναποδέκτης του βραβείου «Άγγελος Δεληβορριάς 2019 για τη μεγαλύτερη δωρεά σε είδος», μέλος του Propeller Club (Λιμάνι Πειραιά) και "Champion" της Women Act (Greece).

Έχει συγγράψει τις μονογραφίες: The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), Θρησκευτική Πίστη και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις: Διδάγματα από τον Καρδινάλιο Ρισελιέ και την Πρώιμη Νεότερη Ευρώπη (Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος, 2023), The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation (Springer, 2015), Faith and Reason of State: Lessons from Early Modern Europe and Cardinal Richelieu (Nova Science, 2009), Kosovo’s Endgame: Sovereignty and Stability in the Western Balkans (IAA, 2006); Διεθνείς Σχέσεις και Μακεδονικό Ζήτημα (ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, 2003) και Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian Question (Ashgate Press, 2000, επανέκδοση Routledge 2018). Είναι συνεπιμελητής (with Foteini Asderaki) The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed: Emerging Issues and New Actors (Springer, 2021); συνεπιμελητής (with Spyridon Litsas) The New Eastern Mediterranean: Theory Politics and States in a Volatile Era (Springer, 2019), συνεπιμελητής (with Spyridon Litsas) Foreign Policy Under Austerity: Greece's Return To Normality? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) και συνεπιμελητής (with Spyridon Litsas) The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power (Ashgate Press, 2015). Ο Δρ. Τζιαμπίρης έχει δημοσιεύσει δεκάδες ακαδημαϊκές εργασίες και δοκίμια σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά και βιβλία της αλλοδαπής και ημεδαπής κυρίως για την ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική και τις διεθνείς σχέσεις στη Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη και την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο. Άρθρα του έχουν εμφανιστεί σε διάφορες εκδόσεις και ιστότοπους, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των New York Times, The Jerusalem Post, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times και του National Interest. Έχει επίσης δώσει συνεντεύξεις σε πολλά μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης.

Διετέλεσε Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος Διεθνών και Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών (ΔΕΣ) του Πανεπιστήμιου Πειραιώς (2015-2020), Διευθυντής του αγγλόφωνου Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών του Τμήματος ΔΕΣ MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics (2017-2021) και Πρόεδρος του Συμβουλίου Διεθνών Σχέσεων (CFIR-GR-2020-2024). Υπήρξε Visiting [non-resident] Scholar του University of Southern California (USC, 2016-2017), Senior Visiting Fellow του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση στο University of Illinois Chicago (UIC, Αύγουστος-Σεπτέμβριος 2016), Visiting Fellow στο The Remarque Institute του New York University (NYU, 2013-2014), Visiting Fellow στο The Harriman Institute του Columbia University (2009), Ακαδημαϊκός Συντονιστής για το Πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ «Eastern Mediterranean Regional Training Partnership» (2016-2019), Εξεταστής για το μάθημα «Διεθνείς Σχέσεις και Πολιτικής» για τις εισαγωγικές εξετάσεις της Διπλωματικής Ακαδημίας του Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών (2017-2019), Διευθυντής του Κέντρου Διεθνών και Ευρωπαϊκών Υποθέσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς (2012-2013), συμμετέχων στο πρόγραμμα International Visiting Leadership του State Department των ΗΠΑ (2009), μέλος του Επιστημονικού Συμβουλίου του Ινστιτούτου Αμυντικών Αναλύσεων (ΙΑΑ, 2004-2009) και του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου του ΙΑΑ (Σεπτέμβριος 2005-Ιούνιος 2006), καθώς και Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης στο Ελληνικό Ίδρυμα Ευρωπαϊκής και Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής (ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, 2000-2008).

Ο Δρ. Τζιαμπίρης είναι κάτοχος διδακτορικού διπλώματος (PhD in Government) και μεταπτυχιακού διπλώματος (MSc in European Studies) από το London School of Economics and Political Science και είναι απόφοιτος του Middlebury College (BA in Political Science). Μιλάει Αγγλικά και Γερμανικά. Είναι παντρεμένος με δύο παιδιά.

Academic Books

Θρησκευτική Πίστη και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις
Aristotle Tziampiris
Papadopoulos, 2023
The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution
Aristotle Tziampiris
Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2023
The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation
Aristotle Tziampiris
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2015
Faith and Raison of Reason: Lessons from Early Modern Europe and Cardinal Richelieu
Aristotle Tziampiris
New York: Nova Science Press, 2009
Learn More
Kosovo’s Endgame. Sovereignty and Stability in the Western Balkans
Aristotle Tziampiris
Athens: IAA, 2006
International Relations and the Macedonian Issue
Aristotle Tziampiris
Athens: ELIAMEP, 2003 (in Greek)
Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian Question
Aristotle Tziampiris
Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2000
Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian Question
Aristotle Tziampiris
Routledge Revivals 2018
First Published in 2000

Books / Co-Editor

The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed
Emerging Issues and New Actors
Aristotle Tziampiris
Foteini Asderaki (eds.)
Springer International Publishing, 2021
The New Eastern Mediterranean:
Theory, Politics and States in a Volatile Era
Spyridon Litsas and Aristotle Tziampiris (eds.)
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Foreign Policy under Austerity: Greece's Return To Normality?
Spyridon Litsas and Aristotle Tziampiris (eds.)
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power
Spyridon Litsas and Aristotle Tziampiris (eds.)
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015


From Antiamericanism to the Best-Relations Ever: Unraveling the Greek-American Connection
Bridging Bonds
Εκλογές ΗΠΑ: Είναι οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες σε εμφυλιοπολεμικό κλίμα;
by Vicky Kalofotia
Ανθρώπινες ιστορίες από την άκρη των Βαλκανίων
ΕΡΤwebradio OCT 2020
Αριστ. Τζιαμπίρης: Το βασικό «όπλο» της Ελλάδας στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο
Договорот од Преспа ќе помине во парламентот, а ќе го почитува и Мицотакис, иако е против него
An International University in Piraeus
The puzzle of world economy & the labyrinth of EP elections
European Business Review - Issue 4 - 2018
by Alexandra Papaisidorou
23/01/2018: Подобро е да нема договор, отколку да има лош договор за името


Παρουσίαση Βιβλίου
Laskaridis Foundation
Welcoming ceremony for the new graduate students in American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics, award of annual scholarships and honoring donors.
Piraeus, 14 November 2024
Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: The Art and Adventure of Leadership
Ιδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη 2023
50 κανόνες στρατηγικής στις ελληνοτουρικικές σχέσεις - Αθανασίου Πλατιά και Κωνσταντίνου Κολιόπουλου
Ιδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη 2023
DEF VI - Leadership in the public sphere
The 6th edition of our Annual Conference took place in hybrid format on May 10-15, 2021
Dina Titus, Congresswoman, First Congressional District of Nevada, USA
May Zanni, Co-Founder, Women Act, Greece

Chair: Aristotle Tziampiris, Professor of International Relations, University of Piraeus, Greece
Opening Ceremony 2021
MSc in American Studies University of Piraeus
September 22, 2021
Laskaridis Foundation
Hamilton" and the Pursuit of Independence: A Virtual Discussion
May 11, 2021
Delphi Economic Forum 2021
Paul Glastris; Editor in Chief, The Washington Monthly, USA
Aristotle Tziampiris;
Professor, University of Piraeus
Katerina Sokou; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council, USA
Hamilton" and the Pursuit of Independence: A Virtual Discussion
November 12, 2020

A Post-Screening Discussion hosted by the U.S. Embassy in Athens on Tuesday, featuring: Geoffrey R. Pyatt, U.S.Ambassador to Greece, Idra Kayne, Singer/Actor, Irene Mountraki, Head of Drama, Library, Archive and International Collaborations, National Theater of Greece, Aristotle Tziampiris, Professor of International Relations, University of Piraeus. The discussion was moderated by: Tatiani G. Rapatzikou, Associate Professor of American Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
ΣΥΝΟΡΑ. Ανθρώπινες ιστορίες από την άκρη της Ελλάδας.
October 27, 2020

Ο Δρ. Αριστοτέλης Τζιαμπίρης Καθηγητής Διεθνών Σχέσεων, Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς μας μιλάει για το βιβλίο '' ΣΥΝΟΡΑ. Ανθρώπινες ιστορίες από την άκρη των Βαλκανίων '' της Κάπκα Κασάμποβα στην ραδιοφωνική εκπομπή η φωνή της Ελλάδας στο e-radio της ΕΡΤwebradio.
Inaugural Speeches [Salamis & Democracy - 2.500 years after]
Monday, September 28, 2020

On the occasion of the 2500th anniversary of the great historical event of the Battle of Salamis, which saved Greek Culture and Democracy, the Delphi Economic Forum, the University of Piraeus and the University of Thessaly are organizing an International Conference entitled: “Salamis & Democracy: 2.500 years after”
Webinar: 2,500 Years from the Battle of Salamis
Monday, September 28, 2020

The Department of International & European Studies of the University of Piraeus and the Council for International Relations - Greece present the Webinar: 2.500 Years from the Battle of Salamis
Eastern Mediterranean Conflict where complicated diplomatic intervention is required
Monday, September 28, 2020

The Department of International & European Studies of the University of Piraeus and the Council for International Relations - Greece present the Webinar: 2.500 Years from the Battle of Salamis
The Daily Roundup
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tensions remain at an all time high in the Eastern Mediterranean as Turkey continues its provocations, challenging Greece’s maritime rights in the region. In the meantime, Germany is attempting a diplomatic mediation, while EU ministers are meeting to discuss possible sanctions against Turkey. Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris joins us from Athens today with his analysis
Transatlantic COVID-19 Cooperation
Jul 13, 2020

U.S. Speaker Series - Transatlantic Voices,
D.Wilson - Executive VP Atlantic Council,
H.E. G.R.Pyatt - U.S. Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic
Moderators: A.Tziampiris, S.Litsas
The role of educational programs in the equal representation of women in leadership
May 5, 2020

Delphi economic forum
A multi-session online event organized by Women On Top with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Athens and Coca Cola 3E, and in cooperation with Women Act and Lean In Hellas.
Turkey, Greece brace for standoff over Cyprus gas drilling plans
Jan 24, 2020

Al Jazeera's John Psaropoulos reports from the Greek capital, Athens.
Greek Energy Summit
Oct 03, 2019

by John Psaropoulos
First Annual Eastern Mediterranean Energy Leadership Summit
Oct 01-02, 2019
Greek Foreign Policy
in the 21st century
Mar 15, 2019

video: AlphaTV
Energy Security Lecture Presented at University of Piraeus Ceremony
Mar 09, 2019

The global energy map changes underwater gas fields in Cyprus
Mar 1, 2019

video: AlphaTV
The Themistocles Prize, to the honorary ambassador and Secretary General of the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic, G. Gennimatas
Dec 13, 2018

video: AlphaTV
The Future of Hellenism in America at American Hellenic Institute - Athens Chapter
Dec 07, 2018

video: AlphaTV
Postgraduate Program: "Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics"
2nd Round
Oct 29, 2018

MOU between
University of Piraeus and
University of Illinois at Chicago
Oct 17, 2018

Greek-American Relations - University of Piraeus & University of Macedonia
Sep 14, 2018

"1st Promytheus Lecture" by Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt at the University of Piraeus
May 15, 2018

Speech by N. Christodoulides at a conference at the University of Piraeus
Mar 06, 2018

The George Washington University - "New Approaches to Research in the Eastern Mediterranean"
Jan 31, 2018
Honorary Doctorate awarded to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin by University of Piraeus
Jan 31, 2018

Commissioner D. Avramopoulos received Themistocles Prize from the University of Piraeus
Dec 21, 2017

Academy of Energy in association with Greek Energy Forum & University of Piraeus
Nov 06, 2017

ELPE: 19 Scholarships to postgraduate students - video from capital.gr
[in Greek]
Oct 18, 2017

Presentation of the book by Litsas and Tziampiris
[in Greek]
Jun 03, 2017

Presentation of the Greek edition of the book by Professor Jacob Soll [in Greek]
Book Presentation "Foreign Policy under Austerity" - S. Litsas & Α. Tziampiris
May 29, 2017

Exploring the Monroe Doctrine and Greek-American Relations
Nov 2023
Οι Διεθνείς Επιπτώσεις του Πολέμου στην Ουκρανία Συνέδριο εις Μνήμην Καθηγητή Ηλία Κουσκουβέλη 20-21 Οκτωβρίου 2022, Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη
Oct 21, 2022


Η εκλογή του Τραμπ και οι αμφιλεγόμενοι στόχοι του
By Aristotle Tziampiris


20 JAN 2025
Γιατί κέρδισε ο Τραμπ
By Aristotle Tziampiris


11 NOV 2024
Οι διμερείς σχέσεις με την Ελλάδα θα παραμείνουν εξαιρετικές
By Aristotle Tziampiris


2 Νοεμβρίου 2024
La disputa entre Grecia y Turquía por los vastos yacimientos de gas del Mediterráneo Oriental (y por qué es tan peligrosa una escalada)
By Alejandra Martins - 24/7/2020

BBC News Mundo
The Triumphs of Greek Unity
By Aristotle Tziampiris - 12/6/2020


Since ancient times, disunity and internal strife have proved detrimental to the interests of Hellenism...
The Triumphs of Greek Unity
By Katerina Sokou and Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris


A New Greek Euro Atlanticism
By Aristotle Tziampiris


The National Herald
Greece After Turkey’s Coup D’état
By Aristotle Tziampiris


Why Springsteen Could Have Been President
By Aristotle Tziampiris


AUG 30, 2016
Yogi Berra and the Greek Debt Crisis
By Aristotle Tziampiris



DEC 06, 2015
Why University of Alabama Football is Unique
By Aristotle Tziampiris


SEP 21, 2015
Greek Crises, Greek Resilience
By Aristotle Tziampiris


The Opinion Pages

JUN 21, 2012
A role for Greece
By Aristotle Tziampiris


FEB 08, 2011
The Macedonian name dispute
By Aristotle Tziampiris


The Opinion Pages

MAR 30, 2008


Turkey, Greece brace for standoff over Cyprus gas drilling plans - Al Jazeera, January 24, 2020
Historical Geopolitical Alliance on Energy - AlphaTV News, March 20, 2019
"Prometheus" Annual Energy Lecture, Opening Remarks, March 5, 2019
AlphaTV: Book Presentation "Foreign Policy under Austerity" - S. Litsas & Α. Tziampiris May 29, 2017
NGTV: Interview of Dr. A.Tziampiris on relations between Greece and Israel
May 8, 2017
USC Global Leadership Summit 2016: Aristotle Tziampiris
April 30, 2016
Al Jazeera: Greece hopes Obama visit will aid economic recovery November 14, 2016
NGTV: Book Presentation "The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation" A.Tziampiris April 22, 2015
The Impactful Field of International Relations

Image Gallery


London School of Economics and Political Science (UK): Ph.D, Department of Government.


London School of Economics and Political Science (UK): MSc (econ), European Studies.

Middlebury College (Vermont, USA):
Major: Political Science
Academic Distinctions: Cum Laude, High Honors, College Scholar, Dean’s List.


Anatolia College (Thessaloniki, Greece): High School-Senior High School.


Deutsche Schule (Thessaloniki, Greece): External Student of the German language


German Summer School: Middlebury College.
October 2015-present:
University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies
, Elected Professor in the field of “International Relations with an emphasis on Balkan and Mediterranean Relations.”

April 2011:
University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies
, Elected Associate Professor in the field of “International Relations with an emphasis on Balkan and Mediterranean Relations.”

March 2010:
University of Piraeus
, Department of International and European Studies, Awarded tenure as an Assistant Professor in the field of “International Relations with an emphasis on Balkan and Mediterranean Relations.”

July 2006:
University of Piraeus
, Department of International and European Studies, Elected Assistant Professor in the field of “International Relations with an emphasis on Balkan and Mediterranean Relations.”

April 2001:
University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies
, Elected Lecturer in the field of “International Relations with an emphasis on Balkan and Mediterranean Relations.”

University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies,
Visiting Lecturer.


London School of Economics and Political Science,
Department of Government, Class Teacher, Michaelmas Term 1996.

London School of Economics
and Political Science, Department of Government, Class Teacher, Michaelmas Term 1995.
February 2021-September 2023
University of Southern California, Center on Public Diplomacy, Visiting [non-resident] Scholar
August- September 2016
University of Chicago at Illinois,
Onassis Senior Visiting
August 2016-June 2017
University of Southern California,
Visiting [non-resident] Scholar.
April 2015-present
New York University, Remarque Institute,
Standing Scholar.
September 2013- August 2014
New York University, Remarque Institute,
Visiting Fellow.
February - August 2009

Columbia University, The Harriman Institute, Visiting Scholar.
September 2024-present
Internationalization Committee of the University of Piraeus,
September 2022-present
University of Piraeus, Department of International and   European Studies,
Chair of the Department.

November 2015-September 2020
University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies
, Chair of the Department.

May 2021-present
University of Piraeus,
Director of the Master’s Degree Program in American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics [taught in English in cooperation with New York University’s Center for Global Affairs].

March 2017-May 2021
University of Piraeus,
Director of the Master’s Degree Program in Energy: Strategy, Law  and Economics [taught in English].

March 2017-present
University of Piraeus,
Appointment as a member to the founding acting Departmental Assembly of the new Department of Tourism Studies.

June 2015-present
University of Piraeus
, Department of International and European Studies. Head of the Laboratory "Eastern Mediterranean, Middle and Greater Middle East: Politics, Economics, Culture".

July 2016-August 2019
Academic Coordinator for the Research program Eastern Mediterranean Regional Training Partnership. (Partner Institutions: University of Piraeus, University of Cyprus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia).

January 2012- December 2013
University of Piraeus
, Department of International and European Studies, Director of the Centre of International and European Affairs

July 2008
University of Piraeus, Center for International and European Affairs
, Member of the Steering Committee, Chairman of the Events Committee.

September 2005
- June 2006
Defence Analyses Institute (ΙΑΑ, Athens, Greece)

Member of the Board of Directors.

June 2004
-April 2010
Defence Analyses Institute (ΙΑΑ, Athens Greece),
Member of the Scientific Board.

July 2004
May 2017
Institute for Democracy “Constantine Karamanlis”,
Member of the Scientific Board; Coordinator of the Program “European Ideas Network: European Governance and the Challenge of Enlargement”.
December 2023-present
National Documentation Center,
Vice President.
May 2023-present
Study in Greece,
Member of the Board of Directors.

April 2024-present
Council for International Relations-Greece,
Member of the Board.

May 2020 – April 2024
Council for International Relations-Greece,

May 2020 – present
Women Act-Greece, “

April 2020 – present
Benaki Museum (Greece),
Honorary Supporter.

November 2019 – present
Israeli-Hellenic Forum,
Founding Member.

November 2018 – present
American Community Schools (Athens),
Member of the Advisory Council, Incubator of Student’s Creative Ideas (ISCI).
October 2017
Georgetown University
, Georgetown Leadership Seminar.

September 2017 – present
European Security and Defence College (ESDC),
Member of the Executive Academic Board.

May 2017 – September 2021
Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Appointment as Examiner for the course International Relations and Politics for the entrance examinations of the Hellenic Diplomatic Academy.

September 2016 - February 2018
Erasmus+, Jean Monnet
, Member of The Scientific Committee for the Research Program Include European Union Values-IncludU 2016 – 2018.

April 2015 – present
Hellenic American Leadership Council,
Academic Advisor.

January 2000 - September 2008
Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy,
(ELIAMEP), Research Associate.

2000 - 2001
Greek National Scholarship Foundation (ΙΚΥ),
Post-Doctoral Scholar in the field of “Social Sciences: International Relations, European Studies and Studies in Regional Development”.

(Thessaloniki, Greece), Researcher on European Programs.

1993 -1994
European Commission, DGI E-5
(Brussels, Belgium), Stagiaire in International Foreign Economic Relations-TACIS.


US State Department International Visiting Leadership Program, Participant.
Academic Monographs:

Tziampiris Aristotle: The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution. Palgrave, 2023).

Tziampiris Aristotle: Religious Faith and International Relations: Lessons from Cardinal Richelieu and Early Modern Europe. [Θρησκευτική Πίστη και Διεθνείς Σχέσεις: Μαθήματα από τον Καρδινάλιο Ρισελιέ και την Πρώιμη Νεώτερη Ευρώπη]  Papadopoulos, 2023 (In Greek).

Tziampiris Aristotle: The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2015.

Tziampiris Aristotle: Faith and Raison of Reason: Lessons from Early Modern Europe and Cardinal Richelieu. New York: Nova Science Press, 2009.

Tziampiris Aristotle: Kosovo’s Endgame. Sovereignty and Stability in the Western Balkans. Athens: IAA, 2006.

Tziampiris Aristotle: International Relations and the Macedonian Issue. Athens: ELIAMEP, 2003 (In Greek).

Tziampiris Aristotle: Greece, European Political Cooperation and the Macedonian Question
. Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2000; Reprinted
Routledge, 2018.


Tziampiris Aristotle and Asderaki Foteini
(eds.), The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed: Emerging Issues and New Actors. New York: Springer, 2021.

Litsas Spyridon and Tziampiris Aristotle
(eds.), The New Eastern Mediterranean: Theory, Politics and States in a Volatile Era. New Yorker: Springer, 2019.

Litsas Spyridon and Tziampiris Aristotle
(eds.), Foreign Policy under Austerity: Greece's Return To Normality? London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Litsas Spyridon
and Tziampiris Aristotle (eds.), The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
1. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Foreign Policy The New Eastern Mediterranean, in Aristotle Tziampiris and Foteini Asderaki (eds.), The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed: Emerging Issues and New Actors. New York: Springer: 2021.
2. Tziampiris Aristotle: The New Eastern Mediterranean As a Regional Subsystem, in Spyridon Litsas and Aristotle Tziampiris (eds.), The New Eastern Mediterranean: Theory, Politics and States in a Volatile Era. New York: Springer, 2018, pp. 1-30.
3. Tziampiris Aristotle: Foreign Policy Against Austerity: Syriza's Multifaceted Experiment, in Aristotle Tziampiris and Spyridon Litsas (eds.), Foreign Policy Under Austerity: Greece's Return To Normality? London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp. 261-292.
4. Tziampiris Aristotle: In the Shadow of a Long and Glorious History: Understanding Greek Foreign Policy, Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2, May/June 2015, pp. 63-79.
5. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Israeli-Greek Rapprochement: Stability and Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean, in Aristotle Tziampiris and Spyridon Litsas (eds.), The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Multipolarity, Politics and Power, Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2015, pp. 239-254.
6. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Foreign Policy in the Shadow of the Economic Crisis, in Pantelis Sklias and Tzifakis Nikolaos (eds.) Greece's Horizons: Reflecting on the Country's Assets and Capabilities, Berlin, Springer-Verlag and the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy Series on European and International Affairs, 2013, pp. 27-40.
7. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Macedonian Name Dispute and European Union Accession, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2012, pp. 153-171.
8. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Kiro Gligorov Era and the Name Dispute, Foreign Affairs Hellenic Edition, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 2012, pp. 21-31 [in Greek].
9. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Historiography and Slav-Macedonian Identity, The Historical review/La Revue Historique, Vol. VIII, 2011, pp. 215-225.
10. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greece and the Macedonian Question: An Assessment of Recent Claims and Criticisms, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2011, pp. 69-83.
11. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Foreign Policy and Russia: Political Realignment, Civilizational Aspects and Realism, Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2010, pp. 78-89.
12. Tziampiris Aristotle: Faith and International Relations, Defensor Pacis, Vol. 24, June 2009, pp. 32-45. Republished in Greek in Geostratigiki, Νο. 18-19, January-February 2010, pp. 124-139.
13. Tziampiris Aristotle: Assessing Islamic Terrorism in the Western Balkans: The State of the Debate, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2009, pp. 209-219.
14. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Foreign Policy and the Macedonian Name Dispute: From Confrontation to Europeanization? in Anastassakis, O., Bechev, D., Vrousalis, N. (eds.), Greece and the Balkans: Memory, Conflict and Exchange, (Newcastle upon Thyme, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), pp. 138-156.
15. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Foreign Policy With Regard To Kosovo’s Independence, Sόdost-Europa, Vol. 56, No. 3, 2008, pp. 403-406.
16. Tziampiris Aristotle: The European Union, Islam and Turkey: Delineating Europe’s Soft Power in Costantine Arvanitopoulos (ed.), Turkey’s Accession to the  European Union: An Unusual Candidacy, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 65-74.
17. Tziampiris Aristotle: The New Greek-Russian Rapprochement: Realism or ‘Clash of Civilizations’? in Geostratigiki, No. 14 (May-August 2008), pp. 76-96 (in Greek).
18. Tziampiris Aristotle:Do Not Trifle With Divinity.’ Euripides’ the Bacchae and Bush’s Foreign Policy, in Defensor Pacis, Vol. 20, (March 2007), pp. 49-59.
Republished in Greek as Tziampiris, A: Religious Faith and International Relations in Evriviadis, M. L. (ed.), International Politics and Security: from the 20th to the 21st Century, (in Greek).
19. Tziampiris Aristotle: Kosovo’s Final Status and the Issue of Greater Albania, in Defensor Pacis, Vol. 19 (January 2007), pp. 73-80.
20. Tziampiris Aristotle: Kosovo in Transition: The Necessity of Pursuing Standards and Final Status in Conference Proceedings: CIIS-IAA Cooperation on Defence Diplomacy, Athens: ΙΑΑ, 2006.
21. Tziampiris Aristotle: The European Union and the Macedonian Question, in Ioannis Koliopoulos (editor), Τhe History of Macedonia, Thessaloniki: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, available at internet site: http://www.imma.edu.gr/imma/history/19.html (in Greek).
Republished in English as Tziampiris A.: The European Union and the Macedonian Question in Ioannis Koliopoulos (ed.), the History of Macedonia, Thessaloniki: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, 2007, pp. 357-374.
22. Tziampiris Aristotle: Kosovo’s Future Sovereignty: A Role for the European Union, in Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2 pp. 275-289, May 2005.
23. Veremis Thanos And Tziampiris Aristotle: The Balkans’ Hesitant Step in Couloumbis Th. and Dokos Th. (editors), Greece and the World 2003-2004, pp. 33-44. Athens: Papazisis, 2004 (in Greek).
24. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greece and the Balkans in the Twentieth Century in Theodore A. Couloumbis, Theodore Kariotis and Fotini Bellou (editors), Greece in the Twentieth Century, pp. 136-151. London: Frank Cass, 2003.
25. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Name Issue in FYROM after the Signing of the Interim Accord, in Evangelos Kofos (ed.), Athens-Skopje. The Seven-Years Symbiosis (1995-2002), pp. 265-296, Thessaloniki: Paratiritis, 2003 (in Greek).
It has been translated into English in Evangelos Kofos and Vlasis Vlasidis, Athens-Skopje: an Uneasy Symbiosis, pp. 225-252, Athens: ELIAMEP, 2005.
26. Tziampiris Aristotle: Weak States, Organized Crime, Corruption and the Euro-Atlantic Future of the Western Balkans in Albert Rakipi (editor), Debating Integration, pp. 117-125, Tirana: Albanian Institute for International Studies, 2003.
27. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Impact of the Kosovo Conflict and 9/11 on Greek-American Perceptions and Misperceptions, Balkan Studies, Vol. 44. No. 2, 2003
28. Tziampiris Aristotle: International Relations in Greece: Convergence, Influence and Perspectives in Couloumbis Th., Dokos Th. and Kintis A. (editors), Greece and the World 2002-2003, pp. 267-278, Athens: Paratiritis, 2003 (in Greek).
29. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greek Foreign Policy and the Macedonian Issue, 1991-2002: From Confrontation to Cooperation in Tsakonas P. (ed.), Contemporary Greek Foreign Policy, pp. 465-488, Athens: I. Sideris, 2003 (in Greek).
30. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Realism of the New Greek Foreign Policy towards FYROM, Exoterika Themata, No. 7, pp. 119-127, Οctober 2002 (in Greek).
31. Couloumbis Theodore. and Tziampiris Aristotle: The End of War in the Balkan in Defensor Pacis, No. 12, pp. 31-40, September 2002.
Republished in Millennium III, pp. 73-91, 2002
32. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greece and FYROM: A Partnership for Stability in Southeastern Europe? in Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos and Thanos Veremis (eds.), Is Southeastern Europe Doomed To Instability? pp. 215-225, London: Frank Cass, 2002.
33. Tziampiris Aristotle: Progress or Return? Collective Security, Humanitarian Intervention and the Kosovo Conflict in Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 95-114, September 2002.
34. Tziampiris Aristotle: US Foreign Policy in the Balkans in Balkan Studies, Vol. 42, Nos. 1&2, pp. 143-155, 2001.
35. Tziampiris Aristotle: Towards an Endgame for the Cyprus Issue? Cyprus in the Aftermath of the Helsinki European Council in Hellenic Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 125-144, Spring 2001.
36. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Macedonian Question as Linguistic Struggle in Journal of South East European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 1, Νο. 3, pp. 179-186, September 2001.
37. Tziampiris Aristotle: Review Essay on the Origins of the Kosovo Conflict in Journal of South East European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 152-158, 2001.
38. Tziampiris Aristotle: The Future of FYROM and the Role of Greece in Couloumbis Th., Dokos Th. and Kintis A. (editors), Greece and the World 2000-2001, pp. 245-259, Athens: Paratiritis, 2001 (in Greek).
39. Tziampiris Aristotle: Greece's Contribution to EPC's Policies Towards Former Yugoslavia, June 1991-January 1992 in Dr. Achileas Mitsos and Dr. Elias Mossialos, (editors), Contemporary Greece and Europe, pp. 401-420, London: LSE European Institute and Ashgate Press, 2000.
40. Veremis Thanos and Tziampiris Aristotle: The Consequences of the War in Kosovo in Dokos Th and Pieros Ph. (editors), The Balkans after the Kosovo War, pp. 23-36, Athens: I. Sideris, 2000 (in Greek).

Other Publications:
Authored op-ed articles and book reviews on international relations issues that have been published in the following newspapers, in Greece: Apogevmatini, Ependitis, International Herald Tribune, Kathimerini, Kathimerini tis Kiriakis, Makedonia, Paron, Kathimerini English Edition. In the United States: International Herald Tribune, National Herald, The Washington Post, The Washington Times and also in the Tirana Observer (Albania) as well as in specialized publications such as Epalxis, Geostratigiki, Aimos, Metexelis”, Liberal View, Balkan Insight, The Bridge, National Interest Online, University Free Press and World Politics Review.
INTERVIEWS (selected):  Deutsche Welle (U.S. and North Macedonia branches), European Business Insider, The Jerusalem Post, Kathimerini.gr (Greece), The National Herald (USA), Danas (Serbia), Proto Thema (Greece), University Free Press (Greece), Utrinski Vesnik (North Macedonia).
COMMENTS In newspapers and online publications (selected):  In Greece: Athens Daily News, Apogevmatini, Ethnos, Eleftherotypia, Ependitis, Kathimerini, Kosmos tou Ependiti, Proto Thema, To Vima, Vima tis Kiriakis The Daily Times. Internationally: Arab News, Haaretz,(Israel) Infopress (Kosovo), International Herald Tribune, Koha Ditore (Kosovo), Kosova SOT (Kosovo), Dvevnik (North Macedonia), Utrinski Vesnik (North Macedonia), The Washington Post (USA) The Washington Times (USA. In websites (selected)): www.antibaro.gr, www.freerepublic.com, www.greekworks.com,
HYPERLINK "http://www.macedonian-heritage.org"www.macedonian-heritage.org, www.makfaxonline.com, HYPERLINK "http://www.osservatoriobalcani.org" www.osservatoriobalcani.org,  http://waz.euobserver.com.
LETTERS (selected): To Vima (Greece) and International Herald Tribune, as well as in the journals Washington Monthly and The National Interest (twice).
BLOG POSTS: Huffington Post (US edition) primarily on American football and baseball.
University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in American Studies, Politics, Strategy and Economics: U.S. Foreign Policy: Alliances, Threats and Anti-Americanism (in English); American History: Politics, Culture and Ideology (in English) and U.S Policies in the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (in English). MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics:
Energy Networks in South East Europe, the Mediterranean and Caucasus: International Law and International Relations. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and Seminar on International Politics (in English).

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in American Studies, Politics, Strategy and Economics: U.S. Foreign Policy: Alliances, Threats and Anti-Americanism (in English); American History: Politics, Culture and Ideology (in English) and U.S Policies in the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (in English). MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and Seminar on International Politics (in English).

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in American Studies, Politics, Strategy and Economics: U.S. Foreign Policy: Alliances, Threats and Anti-Americanism (in English); American History: Politics, Culture and Ideology (in English) and U.S Policies in the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (in English). MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics:
Energy Networks in South East Europe, the Mediterranean and Caucasus: International Law and International Relations. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and Seminar on International Politics (in English).

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in American Studies, Politics, Strategy and Economics: U.S. Foreign Policy: Alliances, Threats and Anti-Americanism (in English); American History: Politics, Culture and Ideology (in English)  and U.S Policies in the Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (in English). MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics: International Policy-International Political Economy of Energy and Energy Networks in Southeast Europe, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus: International Law and International Relations (in English). BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and Seminar on International Politics (in English).

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics: International Policy-International Political Economy of Energy and Energy Networks in Southeast Europe, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus: International Law and International Relations (in English). BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and Seminar on International Politics (in English).

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics: International Policy-International Political Economy of Energy and Energy Networks in Southeast Europe, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus: International Law and International Relations (in English). BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, and Seminar on International Politics.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy and Security Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics: International Policy-International Political Economy of Energy and Energy Networks in Southeast Europe, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus: International Law and International Relations (in English). BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, Contemporary Greek Foreign Policy, Seminar on International Politics.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory, Strategy and Diplomacy in the Changing International System and Greek Foreign Policy and Defense Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics Master’s Degree Program, International Policy: International Political Economy of Energy and
Energy Networks in South East Europe, the Mediterranean and Caucasus: International Law and International Relations. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, Contemporary Greek Foreign Policy, Seminar on International Politics.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory, Greek Defense and Foreign Policy, Greek Defense and Foreign Policy. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics:
Energy Networks in South East Europe, the Mediterranean and Caucasus: International Law and International Relations. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and Seminar on International Politics.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. Professor of International Relations. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory, Greek Defense and Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Strategy of the Great Powers-Euro-Atlantic Relations. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics:
Energy Networks in South East Europe, the Mediterranean and Caucasus: International Law and International Relations. BA in  International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations and Economics of the Eastern Mediterranean and Southeastern Europe and Seminar on International Politics.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations and Economics of Southeastern Europe, Contemporary International Politics and Seminar on Contemporary International Politics.

On Sabbatical

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: International Relations Theory. MSc in Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics: International Politics-International Political Economy of Energy.
BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations and Economics of Southeastern Europe, Contemporary International Politics and Seminar on Contemporary International Politics.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies : European History and Ideas 16th-20th Century and Greek Foreign Policy. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations Theory, Contemporary International Politics and International Relations and Economics of Southeastern Europe.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: European History and Ideas 16th-20th Century, International Relations: Religion and Culture and Greek Foreign Policy. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, Introduction to International Relations, International Relations Theory, International Regional Crises: The Balkans and the Middle East, Contemporary Greek Foreign Policy, Seminar on Greek Foreign Policy.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: European History and Ideas 16th-20th Century. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, Introduction to International Relations and International Relations Theory.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: European History and Ideas 16th-20th Century and Greek Foreign Policy. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, Introduction to International Relations, International Relations Seminar and Seminar on Diplomatic History.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: European History and Ideas 16th-20th Century, International Relations Theory and Greek Foreign Policy. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, Introduction to International Relations, International Relations Seminar and Seminar on Diplomatic History.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. MSc in International and European Studies: Diplomacy and Economy (fall semester) and Economic and International Relations in Central, Southeast and Eastern Europe. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations Seminar, Diplomatic History, Introduction to International Relations, Contemporary International Politics and Seminar on Diplomatic History.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations Seminar, Diplomatic History, Introduction to International Relations, Contemporary International Politics and Seminar on Diplomatic History.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History, International Relations Seminar, Diplomatic History, International Relations Theory, Contemporary International Politics and Seminar on Diplomatic History.

University of Piraeus. Department of International and European Studies. BA in International and European Studies: European Political History and International Relations Theory.

London School of Economics and Political Science
. Government Department. Class Teacher. Taught the seminars for the class Government and Politics in the European Union.
Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Director of the new graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.
Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Director of the new graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.
Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Director of the new graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program Program Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Director of the new graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Director of the graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Director of the graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program Energy: Strategy, Law and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Member of the Founding Committee for the new graduate Program American Studies: Strategy, History and Economics of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Dean's Coordinating Committee of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Dean's Coordinating Committee of the School of Economics, Business and International Studies of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program BRICS of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the Committee for Guidelines for all Graduate Programs.
Member of the PhD Selection Committee.

Director of the Centre of International and European Affairs.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program BRICS of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Coordinator of the Department's International Cooperation Committee.
Member of the Department's International Conferences Committee.


On Sabbatical at New York University (The Remarque Institute)

Director of the Centre of International and European Affairs.
Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program International and European Studies of the International and European Studies Department of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Coordinator of the Steering Committee for the International Cooperation of the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus
Member of the Advisory Committee for the hiring of Visiting Lecturers for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Organizing Committee for the organization of the international conferences of the Department.

Director of the Centre of International and European Affairs.
Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program of the International and European Studies Department.
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Centre of International and European Affairs.
Coordinator of the Steering Committee for the International Cooperation of the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus
Member of the Committee for the New Erasmus Agreements.
Member of the advisory committee for the hiring of Visiting Lecturers for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Organizing Committee for the organization of the international conferences of the Department.

Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus.
Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Senate of the University of Piraeus
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program of the International and European Studies Department
Member of the Curriculum Committee.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Centre of International and European Affairs.
Coordinator of the Steering Committee for the International Cooperation of the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus
Member of the Committee for Inter-University Relations of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Steering Committee of EUROPASS.


On Sabbatical at Columbia University (The Harriman Institute)

Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Centre for International and European Affairs.
Chairman of the Events Committee of the Centre for International and European Affairs.
Academic Advisor for the Department of International and European Studies.

Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus.
Erasmus Coordinator for the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus.
Academic Advisor for the Department of International and European Studies.
Representative at the Scientific Committee on “Legal, Political and Social Sciences” of the Higher University Education Council.
Member of the Committee for Inter-University Relations of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the advisory committee for the hiring of Visiting Lecturers for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Admissions Committee for the Master’s Degree in International and European Studies for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the committee for the internal evaluation of the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for the Graduate Program of the International and European Studies Department.
Responsible for the Inter-University Relations of the Department of International and European Studies.

Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus.
Erasmus Coordinator for the Department of International and European Studies.
Academic Advisor for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Committee for Inter-University Relations of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the advisory committee for the hiring of Visiting Lecturers for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Admissions Committee for the Master’s Degree in International and European Studies for the Department of International and European Studies.
Responsible for the Inter-University Relations of the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the committee for the upgrade of the department’s website.

Representative of the Department of International and European Studies at the Research Committee of the University of Piraeus.
Erasmus Coordinator for the Department of International and European Studies.
Academic Advisor for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Committee for Inter-University Relations of the University of Piraeus.
Member of the advisory committee for the hiring of Visiting Lecturers for the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the coordinating committee for the preparation of a proposal regarding the structure of the Master’s Degree program of the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the Admissions Committee for the Master’s Degree in International and European Studies of the Department of International and European Studies.
Responsible for the Inter-University Relations of the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the committee for the upgrade of the department’s website.
Member of the Committee for the restructuring of the curriculum of the BA Program of the Department of International and European Studies.

Erasmus Coordinator for the Department of International and European Studies.
Academic Advisor for the Department of International and European Studies.
Representative of the Department of International and European Studies to the Senate of the University of Piraeus.
Responsible for the Inter-University Relations of the Department of International and European Studies.
Member of the evaluation committee for the hiring of technical staff within the framework of the project “Enlargement of University Education – Department of International and European Studies” – EPEAEK II, University of Piraeus.

Erasmus Coordinator for the Department of International and European Studies.
Academic Advisor for the Department of International and European Studies.
Responsible for the Inter-University Relations of the Department of International and European Studies.
Responsible for the “Pythagoras” Program at the Department of International and European Studies.
Public Lectures and Events:

Center For Global Affairs, New York University
The Monroe Doctrine: Setting the Framework for Two Centuries of Greek American Relations. (Tziampiris A.).
(In English).
New York 17 April 2024.

The Graduate Program in American Studies: Politics Strategy and Economics, Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus and The Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC)
The Monroe Doctrine: Setting the Framework for Two Centuries of Greek American Relations. (Tziampiris A.).
(In English).
Piraeus 1 December 2023.

3. The American College of Thessaloniki (ACT)
The Monroe Doctrine and Greek-American Relations. (Tziampiris A.).
(In English).
Thessaloniki 14 November 2023.

Center For Global Affairs, New York University
Hellenic-Israeli Cooperation in the New Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.).
(In English).
New York, 23 March 2022.

The American College of Thessaloniki (ACT)
“International Conference: Security, Energy, and the Environment in the Eastern Mediterranean: Historical Insight and Contemporary Challenges”.
Presented the Keynote address titled: “The New Region of the Eastern Mediterranean and Greece.” (Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Thessaloniki 18 February 2023.

Greek-American Friendship Association of Piraeus
Realism and Idealism in Greek-American Relations (Tziampiris A.).
(In Greek).
Piraeus 29 June 2019.

American Hellenic Institute
The Future of Hellenism in America.
Moderated the main panel of experts.
Athens 5 December 2018.

8. The Embassies of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in Athens
The ‘Eastern Partnership’ Region: Challenges and Opportunities (Tziampiris A.).
Moderated the panel on Georgia.
Athens 28 November 2018.

The Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) and The American Jewish Committee (AJC) Chicago
Israel, Greece and Cyprus: Axis of Democracies--An Expansive Partnership (Tziampiris A.).
Chicago 6 April 2017.

10. The American College of Thessaloniki (ACT).
Israeli-Greek Cooperation in the New Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.).
Thessaloniki, 15 March 2017.

American Jewish Committee (AJC) Los Angeles. Marshall Society Scholars and Statesmen Series
Israel, Greece and Cyprus: Axis of Democracies--An Expansive Partnership
(Tziampiris A.).
Los Angeles, 7 February 2017.

University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies and Hellenic Studies  Initiative
The Emergence of Israeli Greek Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean
(Tziampiris A.).
Chicago, 13 September 2016.

Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC)
In the Shadow of a Long and Glorious Past: Understanding Greek Foreign Policy (Tziampiris A.).
Chicago, 9 September 2016.

14. Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) and American Jewish Committee (AJC).
The Emergence of Greek-Israeli Cooperation (Tziampiris A.).
Chicago, 29 April 2015.

15. Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) and American Jewish Committee (AJC).
The Emergence of Greek-Israeli Cooperation (Tziampiris A.).
New York, 22 April 22 2015.

Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC)
In the Shadow of a Long and Glorious Past: Understanding Greek Foreign Policy (Tziampiris A.).
Chicago, 15 September 2014.

Georgetown University, Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage
In the Shadow of a Long and Glorious Past: Understanding Greek Foreign Policy (Tziampiris A.).
Washington D.C., 6 May 2014.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Government
Conflict and Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Stakes for the United States, Israel and the West. (Tziampiris A.).
Birmingham, 12 November 2013.

University of Illinois at Chicago, Departments of Classics, History, Jewish Studies and Communication
The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation
, (Tziampiris A.).
Chicago, 2 October 2013.

20. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Israeli-Greek Cooperation: A New Partnership in the Eastern Mediterranean? (Tziampiris A.).
Washington D.C. 13 October 2011.

21. The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University
The New Israeli-Greek Alliance and Regional Stability (Tziampiris A.).
Tel Aviv, 9 February 2011.

22. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
A New Axis for Stability: The Israeli-Greek Alliance (Tziampiris A.).
Washington D.C., 19 October 2010.

23. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
Greece’s New Foreign Policy: Papandreou’s Agenda in Turkey, Cyprus and the Balkans (Tziampiris A.).
Washington D.C., 29 October 2009.

24. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
The Balkans Ten Years After the Kosovo Intervention (Tziampiris A.).
Boston, 14 April 2009.

25. Columbia University, The Harriman Institute
Political Realignments in the Balkans: The Case of Greece (Tziampiris A.).
New York, 7 April 2009.

26. Redlands University (Cummings Lecture on World Peace).
Faith and International Relations (Tziampiris A.).
Redlands, 31 March 2009.

27. University of Piraeus
Concluding the Revolution of 1821: Towards a Strategy of A Multidimensional Reconciliation (Tziampiris A). (In Greek).
Piraeus, 21 March 2003.

Lectures at the Foreign Service Institute (USA).
1. The New Mediterranean In Transition.
1 September 2020 (via zoom).

2. Greek Society and Diplomacy In Transition. (Tziampiris A.).
Washington D.C., 1 November 2013.

3. In Search of Friends: Greek Foreign Policy and Society Amidst Political Transition and Economic Crisis. (Tziampiris A.).
Washington, USA, 26 April 2013.

4. Greek Diplomacy and Society in the Shadow of the Economic Crisis (Tziampiris A.).
Washington D.C, 14 October 2011.

Lectures at the [Hellenic] School of National Security.
1-2. The Macedonia Name Dispute: Geopolitics and the Relations between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
Athens, 15 October 2012
Athens, 22 October 2012.

3. Geopolitical Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greece – Turkey - Israel.
Athens, 6 November 2012.

Lectures at the [Hellenic] School of National Defense.
1. Greek Foreign Policy Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe (In English).
Athens, 22 November 2018

2. The Strategic and Historical Basis of Israeli-Greek Cooperation (In Greek).
Athens, 23 November 2017

3. Hellas, Cyprus and Israel (In English).
Athens, 20 October 2016

Participation with presentation of papers:

The Graduate Program in American Studies: Politics Strategy and Economics, Department of International, The Center for Global Affairs, New York University and The Council for International Relations (CFIR-GR).
“International Conference: US-Greek Policies in Europe and the Mediterranean”.
Presented a paper titled “US-Greek Relations in a Turbulent Region(Tziampirs. A) (In English).
Piraeus, 7-8 November 2023.

MSc in American Studies: Politics Strategy and Economics, Department of International and Europen Studies, University of Piraeus and The Center for Global Affairs, New York University.
“2023 Hydra Summer University”
Presented a paper titled “The Eastern Mediterranean at an Inflection Point: The Role of the US and Greece(Tziampirs. A) (In English).
Hydra, 26-28 May 2023.

Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus and Council For International Relations (CFIR-GR).
“Xenophon’s Cyropaedia: The Art and Adventure of Leadership”
Presented as a discussant a brief paper titled “Lessons and Irony in Xenophons’ Cyropaedia” (Tziampiris, A.) (In English).
Piraeus, 25 April 2023.

Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University and Department of International and European Studies, The University of Piraeus.
“Roundtable on Geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean”
Presented a paper titled ”Hellenic-Israeli Relations in the New Eastern Mediterranean”, (Tziampiris, A.) (In English).
Washington, D.C., 29 March 2023.
MSc in American Studies: Politics Strategy and Economics, Department of International and The Center for Global Affairs, New York University.
“2022 Hydra Summer University”
Presented a paper titled “International Relations in the New Eastern Mediterranean(Tziampirs. A) (In English).
Hydra, 1-3 June 2022.

Delphi Economic Forum VI
“The Greek Fire on U.S. Foreign Policy: From the Monroe Doctrine to Senator Menendez”
Presented a paper titled “Lessons from the Promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine for Greek-American Relations(Tziampirs. A) (In English).
Webinar, 11 May 2021.

International Colloquium: The Research Center in Political Sciences-CICP (Portugal) and the Research Centre for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology-CIESAS-CONACYT (Portugal).
“Politics and Pandemics: Transdisciplinary Views on Dilemmas of the Earthly City.”
Presented a paper titled: International and Regional Consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic: The View from Greece. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Also member of the Scientific Committee.
Webinar, 4-6 November 2020.

The Department of International Studies of the University of Piraeus, The Council for International Relations-Greece and Tsomokos S.A.
“Salamis & Democracy: 2,500 After”
Presented an “Inaugural Speech” titled “Salamis and the Ferocity of Democracy” (Tziampiris. A) (In English).
Webinar, 3-5 October 2020.
The University of Piraeus (Department of International and European Studies) AND Council for International Relations-Greece, “COVID-19 and the Day After: Geopolitics, Economics and International Institutions.”
Presented a paper titled: Greek and Regional Diplomacy in the Wake of COVID-19 (Tziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Also chaired the panel titled “The World Order After COVID-19.”
Webinar, 2 July 2020.
Delphi Economic Forum III
“The Role of Educational Programs in the Equal Representation of Women in Leadership”
Presented a paper titled “Women and Leadership: International and Greek Norms” (Tziampirs. A) (In Greek).
Webinar,5  May 2020

Politeia: An International Conference of Political Scientists/HAPSc Hellenic Association of Political Scientists
“Europe at the Crossroads: Leadership, Challenges and State of Play”
Presented a paper titled: Greece in the “New” Eastern Mediterranean’ (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Also chaired the panel titled “EU Foreign Policy.”
Athens, 27-29 September 2019

Exposec Defense World 2019 Conference,

“Defining a Modern Defense and Security Strategy.”

Presented a paper titled: Greek Security Challenges in the New Eastern Mediterranean’ (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Athens, 7 May 2019
EastMed: Eastern Mediterranean Strategic Regional Training Partnership,

“EastMed Final Conference: The EU and the Eastern Mediterranean: Prospects and Challenges.”

Presented a paper titled: Challenges to Stability in the New Eastern Mediterranean’ (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Nicosia, 5 April 2019
Delphi Economic Forum II
Presented a paper titled: Great Power Rivalries in the New Eastern Mediterranean’ (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Delphi, 28 February-3 March 2019
Hellenic Ministry of National Defence and Hellenic National Defence General Staff,
Athena ’18. Turning Risk Into Opportunity: An Efficient Crisis management.”
Presented a paper titled: The New Eastern Mediterranean in Transition: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Athens, 13-15 November 2018.
University of Macedonia, University of Piraeus and Region of Central Macedonia,
“Greek American Relations: Evolving Regional Challenges and Opportunities.”
Presented a paper titled: The Need for a New Greek ‘Euro-Atlanticism.’ (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 14 September 2018.
Hellenic Air Force Administrative NCO Academy and University of Piraeus,
“European Security and Defense Policy: Developments-Prospects.”
Presented a paper titled: International and European Relations in the Eastern Mediterranean- The Roles of Greece, Cyprus and Israel. (Tziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Dekeleia, 15 March 2018.
University of Southern California Dornsife, “Migration, Immigration and Globalization”
Presented a paper titled: Facts Are Stubborn Things: The Refugee Crisis and the Failings of Europe. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Los Angeles, 26 March 2018.
Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, The George Washington University,
“New Approaches to Research in the Eastern Mediterranean.”
Presented a paper titled: The New Eastern Mediterranean. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Washington D.C., 7 February 2018.
International Studies Association/Interdisciplinary Studies Section, “Cooperation and Contestation in World Politics.”
Presented a paper titled: The “New” Region of the Eastern Mediterranean. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Also chaired the panel titled “Cooperation and Contestation in the Eastern Mediterranean.”
Bologna, 28-30 June 2017.
The Hellenic Supreme Joint War College and the Hellenic National Defence General Staff Chair in Strategic Studies Thucydides”, “The World in Turmoil and the Eastern Mediterranean.”
Presented a paper titled: The New Region of the Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Thessaloniki,24-25 May 2017.
The University of Piraeus (Department of International and European Studies), “International Conference: The World in Disarray.”
Presented a paper titled: The New Region of the Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Also chaired the panel titled “Grand Strategies in the 21st Century.”
Athens, 23 May 2017.
New York University. Eastern Europe Workshop Center for European and Mediterranean Studies. Working group from the University of Piraeus,
“Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean”
Presented a paper titled: The Eastern Mediterranean as a New Regional Subsystem (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 15 February 2017.
The Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) and the University of Piraeus (Department of International and European Studies),
“Greece's Strategic Role in the Eastern Mediterranean
Presented a paper titled: Continuity and Change in Greece's Eastern Mediterranean Foreign Policy (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Tel Aviv, 1 March 2016.

The University of Piraeus (Department of International and European Studies), and Center for International Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CIRHUS), “The Eastern Mediterranean in Historical Perspective”
Presented a paper titled: Greece's Contribution to Stability in the Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 3 February 2016.

Hellenic Supreme Joint War College and Hellenic National Defense General Staff Chair in Strategic Studies "Thucydides" of the University of Macedonia, “Greece and Egypt in a Volatile Region: Politics and Strategy.”
Presented a paper titled: An Axis for Stability in the Turbulent Eastern Mediterranean: Egypt, Greece and Cyprus (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 19 November 2015.

The University of Piraeus (Department of International and European Studies), Studies) and the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), “The Eastern Mediterranean between East and West”
Presented a paper titled: The New Eastern Mediterranean and the Role of Greece (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Piraeus, 21 May 2015.

Association for the Study of Nationalities, “20th Annual Convention”
Presented a paper titled: Greece's International Relations under Austerity at the Roundtable Panel titled The Greece-Europe Crisis: End of the Road or Turning Point? (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 23 April 2015.

The German Marshall Fund of the United States, “The Political Repercussions of the Greek Elections for Europe”
Presented a paper titled: Greece's Emerging New Foreign Policy: Multifaceted, Assertive, Risky (Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Washington D.C., 9 February 2015.

New York University Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with the University of Piraeus Master's of Energy Program, “Energy Developments in a Changing World - Political, Economic and Legal Realignments”
Presented a Paper titled: The Regional Politics of Energy (Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Abu Dhabi, 22 January 2015.

The University of Piraeus (Department of International and European Studies), Johns Hopkins University (School of Advanced International Studies) and the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), The Conference on Critical Issues in the Eastern Mediterranean”
Presented a paper titled: The Role of Greece in a Changing Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.) (In English), in the roundtable discussion with the topic of The Eastern Mediterranean in Transition
Also chaired the panel titled Assessing Regional Instability
Washington D.C., 17 November 2014.

Universität Siegen and University of Piraeus, “Political, Economic and Cultural Legacies of the European Past in the Context of European Integration”
Presented a paper titled: The Roots of Realism in Early Modern European Thought: Lessons for Today. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Siegen, 24-25 October 2014.

Hellenic Alumni Association of the London School of Economics, “1st Presentation of Position Papers of the Association's Think Tank Groups”
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Rationalization and new Initiatives (Τziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Athens, 19 June 2013.

Remarque Institute, New York University
, “Eastern Mediterranean History, Present Conditions and Future Perspectives”
Presented a paper titled: 'We Have Hit A Goldmine': Explaining the Israeli-Greek Rapprochement. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 29 April 2013.

Institute of Research and Training in European Affairs, “The Geopolitical Revision of the Status Quo of the Southeastern Mediterranean Region”
Presented a paper titled: Strategic Cooperation between Greece, Israel and Cyprus (Τziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Athens, 23 November 2012.

Remarque Institute, New York University,
“Integration and Democracy in the Crucible of the European Debt Crisis”
Presented a paper titled: Foreign Policy-Making in the Shadow of the European Crisis: The Case of Greece. (Τziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 5 October 2012.

American Jewish Committee Global Forum 2012, “
From Insight to Action”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations in the Eastern Mediterranean: Israel-Greece-Cyprus. (Τziampiris A.) (In English).
Washington D.C., 2-4 May 2012.

Hellenic Parliament and Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus. “
60 Years of European Integration-30 Years Greece in the European Union”
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy under the prism of the Economic Crisis
(Τziampiris A)
(In Greek).
Athens, 29-30 March 2012.

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, “
Greece and Israel in a Changing World”
Presented a paper titled: Testing the Emerging-Israeli Greek Informal Alliance
(Tziampiris A.)
(In English).
Tel Aviv, 16 November 2011.

Modern Greek Studies Association, “
2011 Symposium”
Presented a paper titled: The Emerging-Israeli Greek Alliance: Balancing in the Eastern Mediterranean (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 15 October 2011.

The University of Piraeus, the Harriman Institute, the East Central European Center, the European Institute and the Program in Hellenic Studies, Columbia University, “
The Greek Financial Crisis and International Responses”
Presented a paper titled: The Emerging Informal Israeli-Greek Alliance (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 12 April 2011.

The Harriman Institute (Columbia University) and Sts. Cyril and Methodius University “
Macedonia Matters: Conflict, Coexistence and Euro-Atlantic Integration in the Southern Balkans. “
Presented a paper titled: A Unique Euro-Atlantic Process» (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 15 October 2010.

Association for the Study of Nationalities, “15th Annual Convention: Nations and States: On the Map and in the Mind.”
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy and Russia: Political Realignment, Civilizational Aspects and Realism. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 15-17 April 2010.

The Harriman Institute, East Central European Center, Columbia University and the East European Studies Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, “
Brussels and the Western Balkans: Next Steps for the EU Integration Process.”
Presented a paper titled: “No One Left Behind”-Accelerating the Integration Process of the Western (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
New York, 26 October 2009.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Defense Analyses Institute
, “International Politics and Regional Security in the Beginning of the 21st Century. “
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy and Russia: The Energy Dimension (Tziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Athens, 14-16 October 2009.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Crisis Management Centre, “Athena ’09 Crisis Management International Conference”
Presented a paper titled: Assessing the Εuro-Atlantic Prospects of the Western Balkans (Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Athens, 30 September-2 October 2009.

Greek Politics Specialist Group, “
International Conference: Images of States in A Globalized Environment: Possibilities and Prospects for Greece.”
Presented a paper title: The European Union, Islam and Turkey: Finding the Limits of European Soft Power.(Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Athens, 4-5 February 2009.

Defence Analyses Institute and D’ Army Corps, Strategic Analyses Seminar”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations in South Eastern Europe
(Tziampiris A.)
(In Greek).
Xanthi, 20-22 October 2008.
Defence Analyses Institute and Hellenic National Defence General Staff, “Security Problems in South Eastern Europe, Energy Pipelines and International Consequences”
Presented a paper titled: Greek-Russian Relations: The Importance of Realism. (Tziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Athens, 13-15 October 2008.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Crisis Management Centre, “
Crisis Management International Conference Athena ’08.”
Presented a paper titled: The Euro-Atlantic Prospects of the Western Balkans (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Athens, 2-5 June 2008.

Press Attaché Association: Forum for International Communications Policy, “Greece’s Communication Policies in South Eastern Europe: Reality and Prospects.”
Presented a paper titled: The New Parameters of the Name Dispute with FYROM after the Bucharest NATO Summit. (In Greek) (Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Athens, 28 May 2008.

Student Association for International Affairs - S.A.F.I.A., “Athens-Skopje: New Political Realities Following Greece’s NATO Veto.”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations Theories and the Macedonian Name Dispute: Conclusions after the Bucharest NATO Summit. (Tziampiris A.). (In Greek).
Athens, 27 May 2008.

University of Macedonia and Academic Center for Analysis and Planning, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “
International Conference: The European Union as a World Player: 50+1 Years”
Presented a paper titled: European Union Enlargement and Security Challenges in the Balkans. (Tziampiris A.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 22-24 May 2008.

University of Piraeus, Center for International and European Affairs, “
Strategic Actors in International and Regional Contexts: Contemporary International Realities.”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations and the Western Balkans: Great Powers and Regional Actors. (Tziampiris A.) (In Greek).
Piraeus, 13 May 2008.

Institute of International Economic Relations, “Western Balkans Seminars”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations and the Albanian Factor in the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris A.). (In English).
Athens, 3 April 2008.
Albanian Institute for International Studies, “Security and Development Agenda of the Western Balkans”
Presented a paper titled: Assessing Kosovo’s Final Status: Regional and International Implications. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Tirana, 15 March 2008.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Joint Directorate of Military Intelligence, “
Seminar of Strategic Analyses” Security Problems in SE Europe – Turkish Assertions”
Presented a paper titled: The Security Environment in SE Europe. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 3-5 December 2007.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Defence Analyses Institute, “
Turkey and Regional Problems in the Wider Middle East”
Presented a paper titled: Islam and the Middle East: Differentiations, Confrontations and Perspectives. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek)
Larissa,12-14 November 2007.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Joint Directorate of Military Intelligence, “
Greek-Turkish Relations, the Cyprus Issue and Regional Problems in the Middle East”
Presented a paper titled: The Rise of Shia Islam in the Middle East: Regional and International Implications. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 1-3 October 2007.

Centre for Political Research and Communication-KPEE and AELIOS NGO, “Western Balkan Journalist’s Seminar for Peace and Culture”
Presented a paper titled: Major Regional Conflicts: The Case of Kosovo. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Delphi, 17-23 June 2007.

Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) and Constantine Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, “Roundtable Discussion on Greek Foreign Policy and the Prospects of European Union Enlargement
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy in the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Beijing, 28 May 2007.

Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS) and Constantine Karamanlis Institute for Democracy,
Roundtable discussion on the Situation in the Middle East and the Prospects of European Union Expansion
Presented a paper titled: The European Union and the Future of Kosovo. (In English).
(Tziampiris Α.)
Shanghai, 30 May 2007.
Thessaloniki Centre for International Politics and Coordinating Committee of Youth of the Pan-Pontiac Federation of Greece, “Structure and Domestic Political Developments of the Turkish State: The Influences on Greek-Turkish Relations and on Turkey’s European Perspective.”
Presented a paper titled: Theoretical Approaches to Turkey’s European Perspective: Democratic Peace Theory and Classical Realism. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 14 Μay 2007.

Hellenic Ministry of Defence, General Directorate of National Defence Policy and International Relations
, “Greece as a Factor of Peace and Stability in the Region of SE Europe in the Framework of the UN, NATO and the Mediterranean Dialogue”
Presented a paper titled: The Stability Pact for SE Europe. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Thessaloniki, 9-10 May 2007.

European Union Club of Athens and Hellenic Center for European Studies, “
Kosovo and the Transition to Final Status”
Presented a paper titled: Approaching Kosovo’s Final Status: International, Regional and Theoretical Implications. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens,18 April 2007.

Constantine Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, The International Republican Institute and FAES, “
Turkey’s Accession to the European Union: The Turkish Perception”
Presented a paper titled: Social Perceptions and Potential Fatigue of Public Opinion for Turkish Accession to the EU. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 16 February 2007.

Hellenic Armed Forces Joint War Academy, “Greece’s Geopolitical Position in the 21st Century. Challenges and Perspectives regarding National Issues”
Presented a paper titled: The Accession of the Balkan Countries in the Euro-Atlantic Institutions. Challenges and Perspectives Regarding National Issues (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Thessaloniki, 20 December 2006.

Young European Federalists (JEF),
“The Balkans and Europe”
Presented a paper titled: Challenges to the European Integration Prospects of the Western Balkan. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 27 November 2006.

Defence Analyses Institute (IAA) and China Institute for International and Strategic Studies (CIISS), “
Geopolitics for Peace and Security in the New World Order”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations in the Western Balkans: The Albanian Factor. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 2 November 2006.

Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, “
NATO, European Security and Greece in the 21st Century”
Presented a paper titled: “NATO and the Western Balkans.” (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 7 July 2006.

Oxford University Greek Society and South Eastern European Studies at Oxford, “
Greece and the Balkans: 200 Years of Coexistence, Interaction and Mutual Influence”
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy in the Balkans: Lessons and Prospects. (Tziampiris Α.). (In English).
Oxford, 29-30 April 2006.

Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs and Constantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, “
Egyptian-Greek Relations”
Presented a paper titled: Political and International Relations between Greece and Egypt. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Cairo, 11 March 2006.

Mediterranean Studies Foundation, “Balkans and Greece: A Crucial Time”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations in the Western Balkans and Kosovo’s Final Status. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 12 December 2005.

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Constantine Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, “State Building and Economic Reforms in the Western Balkans”
Presented a paper titled: Democratization and Institutional Reforms in the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Skopje, 30 November -2 December 2005.

China International Institute for International Strategic Studies and Defence Analyses Institute (IAA), “Seminar on International Strategic Developments”
Presented a paper titled: Kosovo’s Endgame and International Relations in the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Beijing, 24 May 2005.

2005 American Studies Seminar, “The Transformation of American Politics, Policy and Society: 1960-2005”
Presented a paper titled: US Foreign Policy in the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 21 April 2005.

Hellenic National Defence Officer’s Association
, “Cyprus and the Security of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin”
Presented a paper titled: Security Issues in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean: A Comparative Approach. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 7 March 2005.

Institute of Strategic Studies, Cyprus’ Ministry of Defence and Defence Analyses Institute and Hellenic Ministry of Defence, “Security in the Eastern Mediterranean. Challenges-Perspectives”
Presented a paper titled: The Rise of American Influence in SE Europe: Implications and Challenges. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Nicosia, 27-28 January 2005.

Forumi 2015, “
Kosova Five Years Later: What Agenda for the Future?”
Presented a paper titled: Kosovo 1999-2004: The Primacy of Final Status. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Prishtina, 9-10 July 2004.

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy and NATO’s Division of Public Diplomacy, “Halki International Seminar 2004.  Transatlantic Cooperation as a Factor of Stability in SEE and the Wider Region of the Middle East
Presented a paper titled: Transnational Organised Crime in South Eastern Europe: The Security Dimension. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Halki (Greece), 16-20 June 2004.

University of the Aegean, School of the Humanities. Department of Mediterranean Studies, “1st Conference of International Relations. International Developments and the Role of Greece in the Mediterranean and SE Europe”
Presented a paper titled: Assessing New Developments in Kosovo. Perspectives and Challenges for Greece and the International Community. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Rhodes, 28-30 May 2004.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
, “Seminar for Senior AF Officers”
Presented a paper titled: The Significance of the Albanian Factor in the International Relations of the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 13 May 2004.

General Secretariat for Youth (Greece), “
Studying Festival 2003”
Presented a paper titled: Teaching International Relations in Greece. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 22 December 2003.

NATO and Media Institute of Albania
, “Euro-Atlantic Integration and the Western Balkans: Harmonizing Speed of Action and the Respective Agendas.”
Presented a paper titled: Post-Nationalism and the Dream of Euro-Atlantic Integration. The Goals of Integration and the Promise of Regional Stabilization. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Tirana, 17-18 October 2003.

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, The British Embassy, Athens and The British Council, Greece, “
Britain and Greece, 4th Annual Bilateral Meeting”
Presented a paper titled: Combating Organized Crime in the Western Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Hydra, 10-12 October 2003.

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, NATO’s Division of Public Diplomacy and the Bertelsman Foundation, “Halki International Seminar 2003. SEE and the Mediterranean: Learning from and About Each Other”
Presented a paper titled: The Balkan Experience on Post-Conflict Reconstruction. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Halki (Greece), 4-8 September 2003.

UNESCO, “Regional Forum: Dialogue among Civilizations”
Presented a paper titled: Peace and Stability in the Western Balkans: The Importance of Education and Dialogue. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Ohrid, 29-30 August 2003.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
, “Seminar for Senior AF Officers”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations in the Western Balkans: The Significance of the European Perspective. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 10 June 2003.

University of Piraeus, Department of International and European Studies, “
Inter-Atlantic Relations after the War in Iraq: Challenges and Perspectives”
Presented a paper titled: Trans-Atlantic Relations: The Challenge of the Neoconservatives. ((Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Piraeus, 5 June 2003.

Hellenic Republic-Ministry of Press and Mass Media, “
South East Europe and the European Union: The Role of the Mass Media”
Presented a paper titled: Stabilization and Development of South East Europe—Towards the EU? (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 27 May -3 June 2003.

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and Museum of the Macedonian Struggle Foundation, “Greece-FYROM Relations in the Interim Agreement Period 1995-2002”
Presented a paper titled: The Name Issue in FYROM after the Interim Agreement. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 11 March 2003.

Institute for Balkan Studies and American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce under the Auspices of the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace, “
American Presence in SE Europe in the Post-Cold War Period”
Presented a paper titled: Greek American Perceptions and Misperceptions in the Aftermath of the Cold War. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 5-6 February 2003.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
, “Seminar for Senior AF Officers”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations in the Balkans after September 11th. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 10 December 2002.

Money Show, “
International Security and Economic Relations in the 21st Century”
Presented a paper titled: International Relations and Economic Crises. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 2 November 2002.

Ministry of Macedonia, Ministry of Defence, American Embassy in Greece, British Embassy in Greece, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Southeast Europe Cooperative Initiative (SECI), Western Policy Center and Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), “Stability and Asymmetrical Threats in Southeast Europe”
Presented a paper titled: The Political Consequences of Crime and Money Laundering in Southeast Europe. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Thessaloniki, 22-23 May 2002.

Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, “2nd Annual Academic Seminar”
Presented a paper titled: NATO in the Balkans. (Tziampiris A (In English).
Athens, 29 November 2001.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), “Seminar for Senior AF Officers”
Presented a paper titled: International Developments in the Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Athens, 10 October 2001.

The Fund for American Studies and the Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, “
2001 International Institute for Political and Economic Studies”
Presented a paper titled: Greek Foreign Policy in the Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Chania, 22 July 2001.

Hellenic National Defence General Staff, “Crisis Management Seminar “Athena ’01”
Presented a paper titled: The FYROM Crisis. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 26-29 June 2001.

University of Indianapolis, First International Affairs Forum, “Euro-Atlantic and Greek-American Relations Under the New United States Administration”
Presented a paper titled: Greek-American Relations in the Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 11 June 2001.

Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, “Academic Seminar in Μemoriam of Dr Spyros Philippas”
Presented a paper titled: Stability in Southeastern Europe: The Way to Security, Economic Reform and Democratic Institutions. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 14 December 2000.

Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in cooperation with the Institute for Balkan Studies in the framework of the Thessaloniki Money Show 2000, “Greece and the Balkans: Developments, Problems, Perspectives”
Presented a paper titled: International and Economic Developments in the Balkans. (Tziampiris Α.) (In Greek).
Thessaloniki, 10 December 2000.

The Embassy of Hungary in Greece in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Hellenic European Forum
. “Greece and Hungary-Future Partners in the European Union. Economic Development and Regional Stability.”
Presented a paper titled: Economic Development and Regional Stability in South Eastern Europe. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Athens, 31 October 2000.

Ιnternational Conference Fondazione Giovanni Agneli, “The Balkans on the Eve of the 21st Century: Points of Conflict and Factors of Convergence. Scenarios for Possible Political Stability”
Presented a paper titled: Post-Communist Transition and Interdependence in South Eastern Europe. (Tziampiris Α.) (In English).
Torino, 18-20 October 2000.
June 2008-January 2013.
Xrysa Fragkouli. European Integration and Neo-functionalism: The Implementation of European Union Educational Programs in the Balkans and Greece. [In Greek]
March 2011-July 2016.
Antonis. P. Skotiniotis. Russia's Policies in the Caucuses and the Role of Greece. Convergence or Divergence of Interests? (In Greek).
November 2016-January 2020.
Ioanna Bantouna. Greek Foreign Policy and International Agreement Negotiations: A Realist Approach of the Macedonian Name Dispute.
[In English].
June 2015-June 2021.
Gina Panagopoulou. Natural resources as a Source of Conflict in International Relations: A Comparative Analysis of the Cases of Hydrocarbons and Rare Earths. (In English).
June 2018- present.
Aikaterine Arvanitaki. Greek Cultural Diplomacy and the Institution of Twinning of Cities: The Case of Cephalonia and Serbia. (In Greek).

March 2019-present.
Alexandra Papaisidorou. Greek Cultural Diplomacy in UNESCO 2008-2018. (In English).
July 2019 – present.
Katerina Sokou. A Return to Geopolitcs: Why-and How-the Greek Debt Crisis Contributed to Closer Greek-American Relations. (In English).

Supervision of Master’s Degree dissertations (selected)
Micheal Mathioulakis. Alignment of Greek-US Energy Related Security Interests, 2020. (In English).
Konstantina Vlachava. Energy Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in Shaping the USA’s Geostrategy in Asia after the ‘Shale Revolution, 2019. (In English).
Nagia Antoniou, Destabilization Factors in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Role of Greece. 2018 (In Greek).
Spyridoula Chytere, European Energy Security: Greece, Cyprus, Israel, 2017. (In English).
Panoraia Bantouve, The Role of Electric Power Operators in the European Union Common Market. Institutional Framework and the Greek Reality, 2017. (In Greek).
Eleftheria Klonari, Greek Foreign Policy Actions on the Macedonian Issue, 2015. (In Greek).
Kostas Georgopoulos, Israeli-Greek Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean, 2015. (In Greek).
Alexandra Alexandridou, From Bucharest to the Hague. Greek Foreign Policy and the FYROM Name Issue: A Realist Approach, 2015. (In Greek).
Maria Alexaki, Russia's Energy Policy in the Western Balkans, 2014. [In Greek]
Dimitra Zouroudi, FYROM’s EU Accession Process and the Name Dispute, 2012. (In Greek).
Theocharis Dimas, Humanitarian Interventions and Realism: The Case of NATO Intervention in Kosovo, 2012. (In Greek).
Eleni Gkogkou, Islam and Islamic Turkey, 2011. (In Greek).
George Siadimas Greek Foreign Policy, the Ethnic Crisis and the Name Issue: A Realist Approach, 2011. (In Greek).
Vassiliki Mylonaki, Greek Foreign Policy and the NATO Bucharest Summit of April 2008: A Realist Approach, 2011. (In Greek).
Pavlina Pavlidou, American Politics and the Role of Religion in the presidency of George W. Bush, 2011. (In Greek).
Ioulia Kolaiti, The Politics of Eleftherios Venizelos at the Versailles: A Realist Approach, 2010. (In Greek).
Amalia-Maria Nikla, The European Union and Turkey: After Helsinki, 2010. (In Greek).
Sophia Vouza, The NATO Intervention in Kosovo. Critical Approach of the Humanitarian Interventions Doctrine, 2010. (In Greek).
Nikos Orfanos, The Role of Parliament in Foreign Policy, 2010. (In Greek).
Maria Hatzikou, The 1999 NATO Intervention in Kosovo, 2010. (In Greek).
Maria Panagiotou, Greek Foreign Policy and the NATO Bucharest Summit, 2010. (In Greek).
Iokasti Aliferopoulou, Imperialist Strategies in the Balkans with an emphasis on Kosovo and the Implications of its Independence: A Marxist Approach, 2009. (In Greek).
Ekaterini Arvanitaki, Greece-FYROM, Bilateral Economic Relations and the Name Issue, 2008. (In Greek).
Vissarion Gakopoulos, Weapons’ Proliferation and Nuclear Terrorism, 2008. (In Greek).
Eva Kaili, The Regional Strategy for the Accession of the Western Balkans to the EU. Terms and Requirements of the Stabilization Process after the 2003 Thessaloniki Summit, 2008. (In Greek).
Georgia Valentini Panagiotopoulou, The 1999 Humanitarian Intervention in Kosovo, 2008(In Greek).

Chryssa Fragkouli, Neo-functionalism and European Integration. The Case of the ERASMUS Training Programme, 2008. (In Greek).
April 2011-present
Modern Greek Studies Association,

April 2009-present

Association for the Study of Nationalities

February 2009-present

International Studies Association

October 2005 - present

Hellenic Society of International Law and International Relations
European Security, Digest of Middle East Studies, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Journal of South East European and Black Sea Studies, Politics and Policy, Post-Soviet Affairs
English and Greek (bilingual), German (good).
Hellenic Army: 24 March 1998 - 25 November 1999.


Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris

Professor of International Relations
Chair of the Department of International & European Studies, University of Piraeus

150 Androutsou Str., Piraeus, 18534 GREECE
(+30) 2104142733
Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris 
Last Updated:  February 2025